Kadar Air dan Vitamin C pada Proses Pembuatan Tepung Cabai (Capsium annuum L)

Nico Syahputra Sebayang


This study was conducted to determine the level of water and Vitamin C in the process of making chilli flour. The research used randomized completely design (RCD) with two factors, drying temperature (50 ° C , 60 ° C , 70 ° C , 80 ° C) and long drying (12 hours , 14 hours , 16 hours , 18 hours) , The results showed that the drying temperature had highly significant effect on the level of water and vitamin C; Long drying had a highly significant effect on the level of water and vitamin C; and the interaction of temperature and length of drying showed a significant different influence on the level of water and vitamin C.


Level, Water, Vitamin C, Chilli flour

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/biotik.v4i2.1086


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