Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Khairil Khairil, Samingan Samingan, Ismul Huda, Agustina Agustina


This study aims to determine the effect of metacognitive strategiy on critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in human digestive system material at SMAN 5 and SMAN 12 in Banda Aceh. This research was conducted in the second semester of the 2018/2019. The method used in this study is Experimental with the Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. The subjects of the study were all students of class XI IPA in both SMAN 5 and SMAN 12 Banda Aceh. The students of SMAN 5 from class IPA 4 was used as the control class meanwhile students from class IPA 2 as the experimental class. Students in SMAN 12 from class IPA 1 was used as control class meanwhile students from class IPA 2 as the experimental class. Data analysis was carried out by normality, homogeneity and t-test. The results showed that the use of metacognitive strategiy had an effect on students' critical thinking abilities, this can be seen from the results of the t-test in SMAN 5, namely t-hit 15,59 > t-tab 1,64 and in SMAN 12 namely t- hit 15,32 > t-tab 1,645, as well as influencing the cognitive learning outcomes of students, seen in the results of the t-test in SMAN 5 namely 10,07 > t-tab 1,64 and in SMAN 12 which is 3,68 > t-tab 1,64. The conclusion is that the use of metacognitive strategiy influences critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in SMAN 5 and SMAN 12 in Banda Aceh.


Metacognitive Strategy, Critical Thinking Skills, Learning Outcomes

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