Fraud using false identities is a criminal offense in the Indonesian legal system. The problem of fraud using this has not been sanctioned or punished in Islamic law so that it becomes something worth examining, considering that in the national legal system this problem is regulated in Article 378 of the Criminal Code and specifically fraud using false or deceptive identities, moving others to hand over something to him, or in order to give debt or write off receivables. But that does not mean that in Islamic law there is no penalty for fraud using this false identity. The research enrichment in this thesis is a review of Islamic law on judges' decisions and considerations (No. 164 / pid.Bna / 2016 / PN Bna) regarding fraud cases using fake identities. The purpose of this study was to determine the review of Islamic criminal law against perpetrators of fraudulent crimes using fake identities. By using library research methods and using descriptive data, this research is a descriptive analysis that aims to explain data about fraud using fake identities which are then analyzed with theories in Islamic law. The results of the research show that there is a specific and detailed explanation regarding the definition of fraud using fake identity, but in Islamic law there is no penalty for this crime. So see the similarities with the case of Baitul Maal stamp fraud during the time of Umar bin Khattab who punished the perpetrators with ta'zir punishment, whipping 100 times and exiled a year. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the punishment for fraud perpetrators using fake identities is ta'zir punishment.
Criminal Law, Fraud, False Identity. Islamic Law
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