Amiruddin Amiruddin, Tiaraaprillia Tiaraaprillia


The present study was accomplished to find out the process of self-efficacy on doing part-time job and to find out the level of self- efficacy students during part-time job. This research was completed by using a qualitative approach. Six semester eight Pendidikan Biologi students of 2019-2020 academic years chosen to be involved in this study. Semi-structured interview was employed as instrument to answer two research questions: what are the characteristics of students who have high self-efficacy while doing part-time job? And how many processes of self-efficacy work are  for students doing part- time job? From the research, it was found that there were several characteristics of students who have high self-efficacy. First, to look at the problem more as a challenge to be solved than as an obstacle in achieving the goals and second, to have a strong commitment to achieve the goals set. Moreover, it is classified into four processes of self-efficacy; cognitive process, motivational process, affective process, selection process. Every participant has a different process to have a high self-efficacy, and every participant has many  activities; starting from studying in college, doing more than one part-time job, and joining inside and outside organizations. All students also agreed that doing a part-time job was beneficial for them.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/pbio.v10i1.14824

DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/pbio.v10i2.14824.g7323


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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biotik
ISBN : 97-602-60401-3-8
ISSN : 2828-1675
Published By Biology Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Email : [email protected]

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