Arham S, Ahmad Ahmad, Ridfah Ridfah


This study aims to provide an overview of self-acceptance to students who have dropped out, the factors that influence and impact of drop out. Subjects in this study were students or students who have dropped out of college with a variety of problems. The number of respondents in this study were 13 students. The research data in the form of a verbatim transcript were analyzed and divided into the categories that have been there, then spelled out in detail for the conclusion of the research results. Results of this study illustrate, picture yourself admission of students who have dropped out with characteristics that have the confidence, ability, confident, responsible, and do not blame him. The results also showed that while the factors that affect the self-acceptance that there are two external factors, namely social environmental factors and internal factors are feelings, thoughts and views of the self, and the impact of self-acceptance is divided into two positive impacts and effects negative. The impact experienced after drop out of feeling embarrassed and disappointed. Society is expected to understand and know what is felt by students who have dropped out and know how to react


self acceptance, drop out

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Copyright (c) 2017 Arham S, Ahmad Ahmad, Ridfah Ridfah

Published by Faculty of Psychology UIN Ar-Raniry

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