Dina Naulina Marpaung, Nucke Yulandari


The task of the development of senior high school students are choose and prepare for a career in accordance with their interests, capacity, and value. One way to measure the preparation of career choice is to look at the maturity of the individual's career. Career maturity that situation preparedness of individuals to make decisions appropriate to their career interests and potential. This study aims to look at the differences in career maturity of high school students in Banda Aceh in terms of gender and type of school. The sampling technique used is random sampling. The research sample is 344 students (172 boys and girls in senior high school, 172 boys and girls in vocational high school) in the age range 14-19 years. Data collection techniques using career maturity scale developed by the researchers. Test the hypothesis by using Independent Sample T-Test which showed a significance level of p = 0.000 (p <0.005) with a reliability coefficient of 0.774. Results of the analysis showed that there were significant differences in career maturity of high school students in Banda Aceh in terms of gender and type of school. By sex, girl students have higher career maturity than boys. Based on the type of school, students who attended in vocational school have higher career maturity than students who attended senior high school. Therefore it can be concluded that girls have a higher career maturity of boy students and vocational students have a career maturity higher than senior high school students.

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Published by Faculty of Psychology UIN Ar-Raniry

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