Mira Dudona, Sumedi P Nugraha, Uly Gusniarti


This study aims to measure the improvement of the teacher’s social competence in teaching junior high school in "X" before being given training (pretest) and two weeks after training (posttest). The hypothesis in this study is authoritative teacher training can improve the teacher‘s social competence in teaching junior high school "X". Teachers are given the Authoritative Teacher Training will increase the teacher’s social competence in teaching. This study is a quasi-experimental design using one group pretest, posttest and follow-up. This study used the scale of the teacher’s social competence in teaching, observation scale, and opened scale. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The result shows that there were changes in the teacher’s social competence before being given training and two weeks after training (Wilcoxon Z = -3.660 with a value of p = 0.000 (sig <0.05)), there were changes in the way teachers teach before being given training and two weeks after training (Wilcoxon Z = -2.877, p = 0.004(sig <0.05)) and there were changes in the way teachers communicate with students before being given training and two weeks after training (Wilcoxon Z = -2.812, p = 0.005(sig <0.05).The results showed that the Authoritative Teacher Training can improve the teache’s social competence in teaching junior high school "X".

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Copyright (c) 2017 Mira Dudona, Sumedi P Nugraha, Uly Gusniarti

Published by Faculty of Psychology UIN Ar-Raniry

Journal Secretariat:
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