Zainuddin Zainuddin


This article describes the interpretation of the peace verses, in this case the author uses the interpretation of isyari, because that interpretation can pick up on signs about the meaning of peace in a contextual and textual manner known as ibari interpretation. Sign meaning in capturing is like meaning in the science of interpretation known as isyari interpretation. This paper intends to emphasize the role of interpretation as a media that loves peace, and contributes to global peace. Technically, this paper will explore the verses of the Koran that discuss peace through the approach of isyari interpretation in the form of mujmal by using the maudhu’i method. The conclusion of this article is that the interpretation of shari'ah in understanding the verses and their meanings of peace, as well as opening up to accept the divine servants who draw His servants to al Haq


Damai, Tafsir Isyari, al-Qur’an

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/jim.v16i2.6563

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