Jurnal Adabiya

2549-1776 (online)
2549-3124 (print)
DOI Prefix
: Prefix 10.22373 by
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor : Teuku Mulkan Safri
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry
: 2 Issues/Year (February and August)
Citation Analysis

Jurnal Adabiya is a national, double-blind peer review, academic and open access journal published by Literature and Humanism Faculty of Ar-Raniry Islamic State University of Indonesia. Our aim is to enrich, engage and assist academic research on themes of humanity such as history, literature and library science and also others themes that are related strongly to the themes of Humanism in general. Jurnal Adabiya issued annually in February and August under license number of publishing STT No. 2567/SK/Ditjen. Therefore, we are more than happy to welcome any researchers to submit their research paper to us and please do not hesitate to ask us any question and to give as feedback for the better improvement of our Journal.  


Adabiya Adabiya Adabiya Adabiya Adabiya Adabiya Adabiya   


Journal Secretariat: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, 23111 [email protected]

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