Jamaah Tabligh Cot Goh: Historis, Aktivitas dan Respon Masyarakat
This paper explores the basic matters related to the reason Tabligh Jamaah chose Cot Goh Mosque as
a center of activity in Aceh; history and activities of Jamaah Tablihg in Cot Goh and the community’s response in
this region to the existence of Jamaah Tabligh in Cot Goh. This paper is the result of research using qualitative
approach through naturalistic method. The data were collected by observation, interview and decumentation
analysis. Based on existing data, Jamaah Tabligh as an Islamic reform movement that chose the path of cultural
dakwah originating from Mehwat North India has managed to spread to all corners of the world. To Indonesia,
this movement has also managed to get into all corners of the country. This movement in Aceh is centered in Cot
Goh Mosque which is located in Gampong Lamme Garot Sub Montasik Aceh Besar. The choosing of this place
is caused by the central figure of Jamaah Tabligh Ustad Razi bin Raden Sulaiman is from this region, making it
easier for the organization to build communication with the surrounding community. Jamaah Tabligh is doing
a variety of religious activities are very positive with various activities of dakwah, memakumrkan mosque, re-
membrance and prayer, giving pronunciation salam, civilize the language of religion in every activity. The com-
munity response around Cot Goh to Jamaah Tabligh is very positive by supporting and following all the activities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/adabiya.v19i1.7483
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